Year 7 Information Evening
11th October 2017

Dear Parent/Carer,

It has been a fantastic first 5 weeks for the Year 7’s and they have all settled in really well. Starting secondary school can be a daunting experience for both child and parent and in order to ensure that you are fully informed with all the information that you will need this year, we would like to invite you to our Year 7 Information Evening on Monday 30th October 2017 from 6pm-7pm in the main hall.

There will be a presentation in the main hall from Mr Botwe (Headteacher), Mrs Healey (Assistant Head – Lower School) & Miss Henshall (Head of Year) and an opportunity afterwards to meet with your son or daughters form tutor. During the evening we will update you on the setting arrangements for Year 7 and curriculum information on English, Maths & Science.

I would be grateful if you could complete the reply slip at the bottom to let us know if you will or will not be attending the evening.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards
Liz Healey

Reply Slip